# service sendmail stop
# chkconfig sendmail off
# service postfix stop
# chkconfig postfix off
安裝 mailx
# ubuntu/debian
$ sudo apt-get install heirloom-mailx
# fedora/centos
$ sudo yum install mailx
1. 簡單的郵件
$ mail -s "This is the subject" someone@example.com
Hi someone
How are you
I am fine
輸入第一行命令,回車之後就可以輸入郵件的內容了,完成輸入內容後按 CTRL+D ,mailx 就會顯示出 EOT。
2. 使用檔中的取郵件內容
$ mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com < /path/to/file
或者可以使用 echo
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com
3. 多個收件人
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com,someone2@example.com
4. 抄送和密送CC,BCC
用 -c 表示抄送,-b 表示密送
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -c ccuser@example.com someone@example.com
5. 定義寄件者資訊
使用 -r 定義寄件者
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -r "Harry<harry@gmail.com>" someone@example.com
6. 使用特殊的回復位址
# 回復地址
$ echo "This is message" | mail -s "Testing replyto" -S replyto="mark@gmail.com" someone@example.com
# 回復地址和名稱
$ echo "This is message" | mail -s "Testing replyto" -S replyto="Mark<mark@gmail.com>" someone@example.com
7. 發送附件
使用 “-a” 加上檔路徑即可
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -r "Harry<harry@gmail.com>" -a /path/to/file someone@example.com
8. 使用外部的SMTP伺服器
$ echo "This is the message body and contains the message" | mailx -v -r "someone@example.com" -s "This is the subject" -S smtp="mail.example.com:587" -S smtp-use-starttls -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp-auth-user="someone@example.com" -S smtp-auth-password="abc123" -S ssl-verify=ignore yourfriend@gmail.com
$ echo "This is the message body and contains the message" | mailx -v \
> -r "someone@example.com" \
> -s "This is the subject" \
> -S smtp="mail.example.com:587" \
> -S smtp-use-starttls \
> -S smtp-auth=login \
> -S smtp-auth-user="someone@example.com" \
> -S smtp-auth-password="abc123" \
> -S ssl-verify=ignore \
> yourfriend@gmail.com
9. 配置外部的SMTP伺服器
vim /etc/mail.rc 在最後添加個能發送郵件的帳號
set smtp="mail.example.com:587"
set smtp-use-starttls
set smtp-auth=login
set smtp-auth-user="someone@example.com"
set smtp-auth-password="abc123"
set ssl-verify=ignore